“Children learn as they play. Most importantly in play children learn how to learn."
- O Fred Donaldson
Inquiry-Based Mandarin Immersion Curriculum
Mulberry House has a dedicated curriculum research and development team, developing proprietary curriculums in Language & Culture Foundation (Fluency Based), Literacy Programmes and STEAM Programmes.
We teach children about themselves and the world around them incorporating 4 main areas: Language,Arts & Culture, Cognitive Development, Social Emotional Development, and Physical Development.
We aim to provide a safe and nurturing place for children to thrive, embrace the Mandarin language and culture, becoming fully fluent and literate, and setting themselves up for a bright multi-lingual future.

Language & Culture Foundation Programs
Accompanied Playgroup (0 - 3 Yrs)
Our multi-sensory playgroup is guided by the leading preschool learning methodology Reggio Emilia, cultivating children a lifelong passion for learning. Children are driven by their interests to understand and be curious, and children understand themselves and the world around them based on their interactions with others. Children from native Mandarin and non-native Mandarin backgrounds are mixed together in all classes, as they are inquiry about the world like a native. Non-native families will be better supported together with native families. (read more…)
Preschool Foundation Programme (3 - 6 Yrs)
Preschool foundation classes follows IB PYP’s framework of Units of Inquiry through 3 trans-disciplinary themes (with monthly learning units): Who we are? / Where we are in place & time? / How we express ourselves?
We focus on developing children’s solid foundation in listening, comprehension and verbal communication about the world in Mandarin. Based on family background and exposure, at the age of 4.5 yrs, children maybe encouraged to select literacy series or subject-based enrichment program to maximise the opportunities to reach a level that would best benefit their future study of Chinese in mainstream schools. (read more…)
Primary Foundation Programme (6 - 12 Yrs)
Primary Foundation classes follows IB PYP’s framework of Units of Inquiry, covering the following 3 IB PYP trans-disciplinary themes (with monthly learning units): How We Organise ourselves? / How the World Works? / Sharing the Planet.
A two-stream program is in place to cater for students who learn Chinese as an additional or native language. Children will be provided opportunities to learn at an appropriate pace with appropriately challenging materials. Based on fluency and literacy assessment, children are encouraged to take speaking series or literacy series to be empowered to learn and live in a Chinese speaking community in the long term. (read more…)
Speaking Series: Expressive Communications (3 - 6 Yrs : 60 min | 6 - 12 Yrs : 60 min)
This course focuses on verbal Mandarin fluency.
We engage children in a fun-filled and creative way, to listen, comprehend, retell and present what they learn from newspapers, story books, leveled reading books, short videos etc. Children will increase their understanding and comprehension – learn to use vocabulary and phrases in their appropriate context, growing their confidence to express themselves fully in Mandarin.
Literacy Programme
Creative Reading & Writing (3 - 6 Yrs : 60 min | 6 - 12 Yrs : 90 min)
This course focuses on fast tracking written Mandarin communication.
Children will learn Chinese characters creatively through pictures, arts, games, stories and science, acquire written vocabularies from a rich set of learning medium and learn to express their ideas in written form and to publish their own story books in Mandarin.
STEM Programme
Arts & STEM Series (3 - 6 Yrs : 60 min | 6 - 12 Yrs : 60 min)
Conducted fully in Mandarin, the Arts & STEM classes focus on increasing children’s creativity and innovation while acquiring new vocabulary.
Children will learn through Storytelling and Arts, Chinese Painting & Calligraphy, Arts & Science, Tech, Engineering and Math, kin-aesthetically.